Measure for Bahama Shutters

Measuring for exterior Bahama shutters requires minimal time and common household tools, including a steel tape measure, ladder, pencil and paper. Expect to spend about 15 minutes per window to obtain proper measurements.

Bahama Shutter Measurements

Bahama shutters are intended to operate in conjunction with specialty exterior hardware designed to allow the panels to open and close. Homeowners occasionally fabricate stationary arms that fix the exterior shutters in an open location. Measure each window with precision to ensure a smooth installation of outdoor Bermuda shutters. Windows that appear to be the same size can often be very different.

Bermuda Shutter Measurements

Bahama shutters can be installed to fit inside or outside of a window opening. The steps below, in conjunction with the measuring video, will provide ample tips and methods to measure for either wood Bahama shutters or PVC Bahama shutters.

Time needed: 15 minutes

How to Measure for Bahama Shutters

  1. Inspect the Windows

    Observe and make note of any obstructions in front of the window that may prevent the proper installation and operation of Bahama shutters (trees, fence posts, etc.). Also, check the window frame for wood rot or decay that can be repaired in advance of installation.

  2. Measure Exterior Shutter Depth

    Measure from the back of the side jamb to the front of the window casing. Premium wood Bahama shutters require a void of 1.5 inches if the panels will be mounted to fit within the opening (inside mount). In most cases, it is preferable for exterior Bahama shutters to install in front of the window (outside mount), which requires no depth to the opening.

  3. Measure Window Width

    Inside Mount
    Measure from the inside left to the inside right of the window opening. Deduct ¼ – ½ inch for clearance if planning for the shutter to nest inside of the opening.

    Outside Mount
    Add at least 2 inches to calculate width of a shutter to fit outside of the opening. It is common for the recorded shutter width to equal the width of the outside edge of the window casing.

  4. Measure Window Height

    Inside Mount
    Measure from the inside top of the window opening to the inside bottom. Deduct ¼ – ½ inch for clearance if planning for the shutter to nest inside of the opening. Evaluate the surface just above for a firm mounting surface for the hinges.

    Outside Mount
    If the shutter will install in front of the window opening, add to the measurement. The top sliding hinge requires about 1 1/2  inch above the shutter. The back of the hinge will be flush with the back of the shutter, so it needs to affix on the casing (not above). The shutter should hang close to level with the bottom of the casing or to the top of the window sill.

    Awning Style
    It is common to install Bahama shutters to project over just the top portion of the window. Some believe the optimum “awning style height” of a Bahama shutter is 2/3 of the window. In truth, the best height depends on the reason for installation. Functionality and appearance both factor into the determination. We suggest cutting a piece of cardboard to the approximate size and holding over the window to simulate the look. The same ratio will likely be used for all windows on the property.

  5. Bahama Shutter Vertical Sub-Stiles

    Vertical sub-stiles add stability so Bahama shutters can exceed the width of standard louvered shutters. Panels in excess of 24” require at least one vertical sub-stile as indicated on the ordering page.

  6. Establish Horizontal Divider Rail Location

    A divider rail is a horizontal bar, much like the top rail, that creates top and bottom louver areas within the exterior shutter. A divider rail can be centered by default or positioned at a custom location. If a custom location is desired, provide the measurement from the bottom of the shutter to the identified center of the divider rail. For two divider rails, note the location of each from the bottom of the shutter to the center of each. Consider sight lines when establishing the divider rail location.  

    The actual placement of the divider rail will be close to the location requested. The number of louvers, shutter height, and rail sizes determine the final placement.

  7. Select Finish

    Finally, choose a finish color. Bahama shutters are available unfinished, primed or fully painted. View colors to make that determination.

Finalize the Measurements

Measuring for Bahama shutters is not complicated. A little time and patience will get the job done correctly. Record all measurements and specifications to price and place an order online.